Company’s Social Responsibility

  1. Strategy of Social Responsibility of ZSE
    The energy industry, in which we operate, is influenced by political decisions more than any other industry. Also, expectations and requirements of shareholders are more demanding than anywhere else. That is the reason why we need trust and acceptance of society. As a result, the notion of social responsibility is an integral part of our daily decisions and strategies. Our goal is to make sure that the results of our business provide benefits to every member of society. Responsible behaviour should be incorporated not only in energy business conduct but also should benefit local communities and the environment. Such behaviour has an impact on employee loyalty; it decreases turnover and increases productivity.

    All of this means that our company constantly optimises and improves management processes with the aim to minimise any negative impact on the social system, primarily improving health and safety of employees, maintaining equal opportunities, keeping a balance between work and personal life and building a good company image. We are interested in local communities and try to contribute to their sustainable development.

    In 2004 ZSE became one of the founders of the Business Leaders Forum, an informal association of companies that aim to live and disseminate principles of the Company’s social responsibility. Through this action ZSE demonstrated its social orientation and, at the same time, set for itself firm principles of social responsibility in all its actions.

    Our financial support goes to the following areas:
    • Recreational and professional sport activities for children
    • Arts and culture
    • Healthcare
    • Education
    • Volunteering of employees with the aim to support their development through leverage
    • Environmental protection

    ZSE philanthropy activities represent a mosaic of individuals and organisations who feel an intense urge to change the world around them and who are an inspiration for all our employees.

    ZSE plans to join CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Program of its parent company E.ON and increase the number of socially responsible companies. ZSE also plans to publish the Company’s CSR report.

  2. Environmental Protection
    In order to be socially responsible, environmental protection is one of our priorities. We protect soil, water, nature, landscape and air. In 2006 we invested 43 million SKK into ecological structures.
    Through partnership within the LIFE III Program to protect the species of the king eagle, supported by the EU, we participate in protecting of avifauna. We keep our partnership promise and in 2006 we installed barriers against bird landings on more than 2.000 power lines. Our contribution to this Program comes also in the form of developing and testing a new type of bird landing barriers.

    Our company continues to improve its environmental activities by continuous improvement of its facilities and equipment, by improvement of management processes, and by increasing the environmental consciousness of our employees. Last year the Company paid over five million SKK to keep its facilities in compliance with environmental standards.

    We increased recycling of waste material by 12% compared to 2005. We intend to decrease the risk of exposure to hazardous materials of our employees and the environment by eliminating the number of equipments using polychlorobiphenyls from our facilities.
    All of these achievements in 2006 correspond with ZSE’s document called “Regulations for the environmental protection” with the focus on implementation of the E.ON Group regulation Energie KR 22 – Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection.

  3. Occupational Health and Safety
    Activities in Occupational Health and Safety (OHSA) in 2006 were guided by ZSE’s “Directions for Occupational Health and Safety in ZSE” and were focused on implementation of requirements from the E.ON Group regulation Energie KR 22 – Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection.

    Due to changes in OHSA legislation ZSE had to rewrite its internal OHSA regulations. Major changes occurred in the investigation of occupational and other injuries and in reporting of statistical indicators of occupational injuries. During 2006 the Company did not register any lethal or serious occupational injury.

      Statistics on Occupational Injuries in 2005 and 2006    
    of ROI
    Missed Calendar
    Days per ROI
    Average Number
    of Employees
      Year 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006  
      ZSE 6 3 324 318 (287)* 1,409 1,439  
      LTIF: (1.239)  

    * Number in parenthases indicates the number of missed calendar days per ROI in 2006. Other number indicates the number of calendar days that were carried over from the previous year because the employees‘ treatment continued also in 2006

    ROI – registered occupational injury
    LTIF – lost time injury frequency
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