Basic Organizational Structure
From 1st January to 30st June 2007 ZSE’s organizational structureconsisted of the following divisions:
- Central Affairs
- Services for Distribution EE
- Customer Services
- Financial and Internal Services
- Trade and Sales
- Strategy and Development
- Distribution System Operations Department – DSO
Due to the legal unbundling requirement, ZSE was split on 1st July. The Distribution System Operations Department – DSO became part of ZSE Distribúcia, a.s. a daughter company, and Trade and Sales became part of ZSE Energia, a.s. a daughter company. Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. is the 100% owner of these daughter companies which were established to comply with the unbundling model requirements stipulated in Law 656/2004 Coll. on energy.
From 1st July 2007 to 31st December 2007, ZSE’s organization structure
consisted of the following divisions:
- Central Affairs
- Services for Distribution EE
- Customer Services
- Financial and Internal Services
- Strategy and Development
All these divisions are part of Západoslovenská energetika, a.s.
located on Čulenova 6, 816 47 Bratislava.
The Company’s organizational structure consists of two steering
levels – divisions and departments. Within each department, teams
are set up as informal organizational units.
As of 31st December 2007, ZSE had five daughter companies:
- 100% equity share in ENERMONT, spol. s r.o.,
with its headquarters at Hraničná 14, 827 14 Bratislava - 100% equity share in OTC, spol. s r.o.,
with headquarters at M.R. Štefánika 85, 920 01 Hlohovec - 100% equity share in ZSE prenos, spol. s r.o.,
with headquarters at Čulenova 6, 816 47 Bratislava
On 20th May 2006, ZSE incorporated another 100% daughter company
called ZSE Distribúcia, a.s. with its headquarters at Čulenova 6,
816 47 Bratislava. The company was incorporated due to changes
instituted in the Energy Law following the unbundling model that was
approved by the ZSE’s executive bodies.
On 22nd September 2006, ZSE incorporated another 100% daughter
company called ZSE Energia, a.s. with its headquarters at Čulenova
6, 816 47 Bratislava. The company was incorporated due to changes
instituted in the Energy Law following the unbundling model approved
by the ZSE’s executive bodies.
ZSE also owns shares in the following companies:
- 49% share in E.ON IS Slovakia, spol. s r.o. located at Čulenova 6, 816 47 Bratislava
- One-third of the shares of SPX, spol. s r.o. located at Ul. republiky 5, 010 47 Žilina
- 16.67% share in ENERGOTEL, a.s. located at Miletičova 7, 821 08 Bratislava
- 12% share in EFR CEE Kft. located at Széchenyi rkp. 8, H-1054 Budapest, Hungary

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