The Company's Bodies
- The Statutory Body
The Board of Directors As of 31st December 2007 Chairman Konrad Kreuzer Vice Chairman Ján Rusnák (appointted on 25th January 2007) Peter Vlasatý (resigned on 25th January 2007) Members Dietrich Max Fey Andrej Devečka Vladimír Harányi (appointed on 25th January 2007) Tibor Végh (resigned on 25th January 2007)
- The Supervisory Body
The Supervisory Board As of 31st December 2007 Chairman Milan Chorvátik (appointed on 13th February 2007) Peter Balá (resigned on 25th January 2007) Vice Chairman Walter Hohlefelder Members Silvia mátralová Kamil Doman Alojz Bahelka Andrej Danko (appointed on 25th January 2007) źubo Majdán (appointed on 25th January 2007) Iveta Pauhofová (appointed on 25th January 2007) Ladislav Jančo (appointed on 25th January 2007) Ján Ďurana (resigned on 25th January 2007) Martin Ondko (resigned on 25th January 2007) József Száraz (resigned on 25th January 2007) Igor Glosík (resigned on 25th January 2007)
The Structure of ZSE Shareholders as of 31st December 2007
Structure of Shareholders As of 31st December 2007 Share in the Registered
ThousandsShare in
Registered CapitalVoting
RightsNational Property Fund
of the Slovak Republic3,026,643 51% 51% E.ON Energie AG, Munich 2,373,838 40% 40% EBRD, London 534,113 9% 9%