About us - Skupina ZSE

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The ZSE Group is a leader in the supply and distribution of electricity in Slovakia, providing services to nearly 2 million customers.

Electricity distribution services are provided in the western and eastern Slovakia regions (by the companies Západoslovenská distribučná and Východoslovenská distribučná), while electricity and gas supply services are provided throughout Slovakia (by the companies ZSE Energia and VSE).

The company offers its customers solutions in the field of so-called new energy, based on the use of renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency. It also operates a charging network for electric vehicles under the ZSE Drive brand. 

The ZSE Group is one of the leaders in Slovakia in matters of responsible business and ESG implementation.

Contact information

Contact information

Bank details:

VÚB, a.s.
Account No.: 2107012/0200
IBAN: SK36 0200 0000 0000 0210 7012

Company identification:

Company Registration Number: 35823551
VAT ID: SK2020285256

The company is registered at the Companies Register of the City Court Bratislava III, Section:  Sa, File No.: 2852/B

Registered office:

Západoslovenská energetika, a. s.
Čulenova 6
816 47 Bratislava

