Východoslovenská energetika Holding a. s. - Skupina ZSE

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Východoslovenská energetika Holding a. s. (VSEH)

VSEH was established in accordance with Slovak legislation in its present legal form on 17 December 2001.

Until 24 November 2023, VSEH operated mainly as a holding and service company for its subsidiaries operating in the electricity distribution (VSD) and electricity and gas supply (VSE) sectors.

Following the divestment of its subsidiaries VSD and VSE as of 24 November 2023, VSEH continues to operate as a service company providing services to related parties within the ZSE Group.

Fixed assets consist mainly of real estate, tangible and intangible assets (e.g. software). Shareholders' equity consists mainly of share capital and legal reserve. 

The main source of revenue is the provision of support activities to ZSE Group companies - mainly in the areas of accounting, taxation, human resources, transport, logistics and information technology.